I just wanted to let you know that our ferret Pixie goes crazy to the
sound of a squeaky toy.  There seems to be two variables involved with her
attack: the squeak of the toy and exposed human skin within her vicinity.
If anyone's arms or legs are exposed and she hears the squeak, she will
viciously attack the exposed area.  Her whole body gets into the bite,
contorting and bearing down to get a good chunk of you.  And, yes, she
always draws blood.  We've learned not to squeak the toy while skin is
exposed.  Pix is not a major biter outside of this situation.  When play
biting, she's particularly light.  It sounds as if the sound of your alarm
clock does the same to your ferret.  Does the alarm have a radio setting?
My husband has an alarm clock with a back-up battery and he can choose an
alarm setting.  Hope it helps...
Suzanna Donahue
[Posted in FML issue 3095]