Hi, Sarah, and everyone else,
We've found two things that really help put weight on our ferrets.  First
is hand feeding them Bob Church's Chicken Gravy.  Second is offering
FerretVite as a treat.
With this regimen, our Pertwee, who had two adrenalectomies five weeks
apart and then went through hell while we tried to get his electrolytes
right, gained 70 grams in a single week.  Of course, he had lost a
tremendous amount of weight, so his body needed to add a bunch quickly.
Still, when we've had sick or recovering ferrets before, the gravy and/or
Ferretvite has always helped.
Oh, and yes, Pertwee is now doing very well indeed.
Good luck!
Caity and the exceptional eight
Caitlyn Maire Martin
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[Posted in FML issue 3094]