I do my best not to judge or verbally assault people via e-mail so please
read this with an open mind.
To the person who posted that Rabits and Ferrets can live together until
the ferret kills the rabit, and used the example of your HUNTING ferrets.
I, personally, would NEVER train or cause my housemates to HUNT or KILL any
other living creature and its quite possible that if you had not employed
these practices your ferrets could live harmoniously with rabbits.
Teaching an animal (ANY animal) to be agressive leads to behaviours that
are not consistant with normal domesticated behaviour.  I studied this
particular issue in relationship to domesicated dogs while I was in college
and have , over the years, found it to be true in almost ALL species.
Humyns are a perfect example of this principle.  NUFF SAID!
Okay... about the nest egg
I have a savings account for my babies 700.00 just in case something
serious should happen and I would find it nessasary to seek emergency care,
surgeries can be quite pricey.  As far as start up... I absolutely ADORE
the cage I got... 140.00... at pets.com its the 4 story super pets ferret
cage.  Its huge and easily modified for just about any needs your babies
might have.  Food, I just ordered food, shampoo, two new harnesses (gettin
new monkeys..=O) )  Conditioner, treats, some toys, toothpaste, cage clips
and a new little pan for 50 bucks from the ferretstore.  You will also need
food and water delivery devices about 15 bucks for both (at the most).
litter and bedding.  The litter I use is 10 bucks for a 5 pound bag and I
just recently starting using cloth bedding instead of care fresh (which
worked wonderfully but I was having a pooping in the wrong place problem)
and they actually LIKE the new bedding MUCH more, they have found NEW
sleeping spots.  They're so cute! =O)  I gradually built up the savings
account but most of the other stuff is totally nessasary.  I would say
250.00 to 300.00 to start but dont forget about babies first shots...
I might have forgot something but I am sure you will get additional
responses to this question...
Fuzzies Forever
Dooks and Dance
Bella: Mommy, when can we go play again??  I WANNA PLAY WIFF THE LITTLE
Stuey:  Mommy, lemmie alone, Im tired... zzzzzzzz.
*hugs to all da ferret friendly hoomins!*
[Posted in FML issue 3093]