YOWZA!!!! What a week! Let's see, where to begin?
Cesar & Cyprian were adopted on Wednesday.  They went to a nice home with
a little sister named Baby.  Donovan & Rocky are also adopted, but will
remain at the shelter for a week or two until their parents are ready for
them.  They are going to a home with 2 former shelter kids named Peaches &
We took in 2 little boys.  One is Finnegan.  Mom thinks he's sick.  He's
young (about 7 months) but very lazy.  He;ll be going to the vet this week.
The other is Liam.  He's 4 months old and a BIG boy.
The Lupron is finally working for me.  I'm starting to grow hair and mom
says I am a sexy wee boy.  I already knew that, but she likes to say it so
I listen.  I've gotten a lot of e-mails from friends this week too.  My
favorite is from my long distance girlfriend Shiloh.  She writes me all the
time.  I really enjoy it when mom sits me in front of the puter and reads
letters to me.
Most of our speakers for Ferrets 2000 have had their plane tickets booked.
I can't believe it's really happening!  I am so excited.  I even get to
stay at the hotel with all my friends!  I can't wait to show off to Dr.
Williams (he's the one who helped diagnose me with Actinomyces).
Speaking of Actinomyces, Mik (the other shelter baby with it) isn't doing
so well.  He had surgery again and we're not sure what will happen next.
I'll keep you up to date though.
We are still looking for foster homes, if you can help, please let my mom
Also, please keep Sigmund in your thoughts and prayers.  He's not been
feeling well and has insulinoma.  His mommie and my mommie are worried
about him.
With love,
Harley "Bug"
The Ferret Aid Society Ferrets 2000 Conference
Use your mouse to raise funds for the shelter at no cost to
you! Click here!!
[Posted in FML issue 3093]