Hey, In response t an earlier post about biting, i am a little wierd.  I
to am a little squeemish about biting, and I know someof you deal with
latching on(O DEAR GOD), but I just couldn't do that.  I am going to get a
ferret(I already TECHNICLY got the 1 from the store, but i haven't picked
her up yet, trying to find another) I am scared to death of her now!  She
is the sweetest though.  In all the time i've spent with her, she never
nipped or bit, only play nipped, as in she would put her mouth on my finger
but not actually bite.  I found the source for this niceness, the person
who is in charge of the small animals, actually trains them and spends time
with them!  They are in a large cage, happy, healthy, and the cutest things
i have ever seen!  And guess what all you people who are bad-mouthing
petco...this was Petco!  I love the place, and even though the store is a
bit way out, I would bust my gut trying to get there for that ferret,,,but
i am wondering if i bring him home, will he bite me, draw blood, and latch
on?  Help me.!.!
[Posted in FML issue 3091]