I should have thought to post this sooner (at or around the time when the
topic was actually brought up).  Last weekend, I had my first experience of
this type.
As a preface, I work with kids with developmental disabilities.  Last
Saturday, I had just taken Cody to the vet and, on the way home, there was
a delay on I-80 (semi dumped entire load.  I know that I saw envelopes
and maybe concrete).  Cody was getting hot and unhappy and, since I was
supposed to pick up the on-call pager from one of my counselors, I just
went over to that particular house.  I took Cody inside so that he could
cool off.  One of the kids was home and he just sat in the living room,
staring at Cody and I.  When we asked "Do you know what that is?" he said
"Doggie!"  We, of course, giggled a little bit and said "No.  That's a
ferret."  He got up and came over and, though he was not to sure he wanted
to touch it, laughed, pointed, and repeatedly said "Birdie!  Birdie!"  We
just about lost it... :o)
-- Andy, Cody, Lily, and Tripod Bob
[Posted in FML issue 3091]