Hi Everyone,
Today I have been on the computer tonight doing a lot of work.  I let out
Miss Pookie and Miss MaryJane and let them run around by themselves for a
bit.  (They are fairly passive and can get picked on a little)
Well, Miss Pookie was having none of that.  She insisted on staying in my
lap.  I was on irc with my work and needed my hands free.  So I got this
small one ferret sleeping bag and put her in it.  She loved that!!  Sat in
my lap and went to sleep.
Then I put her on my desk.  She looked at me with one eye and went back
to sleep.  Miss MaryJane came up and wanted up too and looked hurt after
getting on my desk and seeing Miss Pookie.
So I had to find another small bag for her.
Right now, several hours later, I have two sleeping ferrets on my desk.  I
have put them down to poop and they have been eating and drinking with me.
Yes I did take pics.  When I get them up I will let you know.
Hey All,
Well pic actually. I went ahead and put one up on my yet to be completed
personal site.
[Posted in FML issue 3090]