I must post again as a rebuttal to this last post of Gary's and Big's.  I
posted about a week ago about my refund too!  I have not received my refund
from the NC show that was to be held in April either.  Nor have I heard
from Gary on the issue.  I can assure you there has been no $$ refunded to
either of Candy nor myself and by law we are entitled to it.  I don't care
what Gary has told anyone about this.  I am still waiting and encourage his
lawyer to contact me or my lawyer
Why post on the FML?  And why is it relevant?  Because others have E-mailed
me privately since my last post that we are not the only ones that have
been duped.  They are afraid to post on the FML because they don't want to
be accused of slamming a shelter.  That's too bad.  Also, other people out
there in "Ferretland"-need to know that the Skinner's are not as honest as
they have led you all to believe.  I have printed out several E-mails I
received and will gladly give them to the Skinner's lawyers.
I would have loved to settle this amicably.  That is no longer my choice.
Gary made the choice to be a stinker-sorry.  I don't see this ending in the
near future or I would have my check by now.  He still ignores my E-mails
and hangs up on me when I call and request my $$.  I still have received
"any"-and I mean "any" reason at all as to why I have no refund.  I've just
been told it is coming!  Still waiting.
Needed to add my 2 cents worth here.
Try some scentsational scents-they're sensational!!
[Moderator's note: The posts I'd like to avoid are the heated "blaming"
posts which make the situation worse.  If you wish to post that you feel
you are owed money relating to a ferret event and why you feel this way,
that's FINE.  Posting why you feel someone ELSE isn't giving you the money
is probably not fine -- the other parties, also being subscribers, can
similarly choose to calmly make a statement if they desire.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3090]