I guess you have all sorta-kinda met my monkeys (Bella and Stuey)... *still
cant figure out how they managed to get onto the internet and type two full
posts to you*...   I know what I want to say to you all is gonna seem like
its off topic ... please just bare with me ...
I have been crying for three days ... I joined this mailing list because
I was looking for some help (thanks to all who answered!! =O) )  I am on
several other mailing lists also animal rescues and liberations (shhhhhh,
they dont exist) I also have an immeasurable ammount of care for people,
humyns ... this race of beings that is supposed to be instilled with
humanity (that stuff that is supposed to make us cry and feel and respond
to the pain and suffering around us), this week has already been filled
with a plethora of suffering and unfortunately there seems to be no end in
sight.  Womyn sexually asaulted INFRONT of police officers who do nothing
to help, animals beat and thrown out of moving vehicles (my friends brought
a dog to my house last night that they had picked up off the highway after
witnessing a truck infront of them throw it out of the bed going about 50
mi, we burried it and reported the licenseplate to the humane society and
the police... who said there was nothing they could do) , children abused,
elderly abused... Humanity has become ugly... humyns have become ugly and
abusive... And everthing around us is suffering... my housemates (Bella and
Stuey) KNOW when I am upset or sad... Stuey follows me around till he
can get on my lap and kiss me and Bella SITS on my feet.  Everything is
affected by this ugliness... I am not attacking anyone or singling anyone
out, infact a similar message to this has been posted BY ME on almost
every list I am on... WE (humyns) attack one another with words or actions,
attacking people who are or SHOULD be considered our allies... fellow
ferret lovers, womyn, humyns, animal lovers, etc... when we should be
attacking those who would hurt or injur these people or these things.
*crying* ... Animals dont deserve the kind of abuse that they are dealt
(like that poor dog I saw tonight) and if we are fighting with one another
how are we going to fight for them?
On a different note... I would like to say to whomever is responsible
for the Rainbow Bridge posts, I have a deep respect and a plethora of
admiration for what you do... my heart breaks AND smiles every single time
I read one of your posts.  I dont know how you keep your head together with
all of the loss that comes your way but I APPLAUD YOUR HEART!!  And I
would also like to add that over the past few days it has been one of my
reassurances that all humanity is not lost!  Thanks!!  My friends tell me
that I am too sensitive and maybe I am but I would rather feel EVERYTHING
than feel NOTHING!
Bella:  "feet, feet.. I see feet"
Stuey:  "mommy please stop crying or I will smother you with kisses!"
Dooks and Dance!
[Posted in FML issue 3090]