My friend, a fello fmler took in two ferrets that she thought were fine.
It was said that a college age boy took good care of them, then left them
for good with his parents because of housing trouble that came up.  The
parents are not mean, but were uneducated and not very pleased...they ended
up unintentionally but neglecting them badly(putting the cage and all in
the garage, etc).
Well my friend took on these two 18 month, MF boys...both marked whites.
One is dominant and big, the other malnourished.  They seem unsocialized in
that they don't really "check in", want to look at your face, don't react
to talking (they are NOT deaf... I tested them), and are quite odd.  When
they get tired of being held..they nip quite hard.  My friend is doing
behavior mod with them on this note... saying no, then scruffing.  She
is also holding them and showing them hands are nice.  The situation is
already improving some.  The problem isssssss.... they bite faces!  If you
hold them close enough to your head, they will casually, and quickly bit
your nose, mouth, neck area.  I mean actually draw blood.  The bites are
very fast and restained it seems to me.  Not noise, no bearing down, and
no latching on.
The closest shelter is two hours away.  They are indeed in MUCH better
circumstances, and greatly loved.  My friend although new to ferrets this
year is quite educated in ferrets, but still learning.  Even with my
help... we may be in above our heads.  It's only been 4 days for them, but
this biting really concerns me.  I know nothing of this type of biting and
nothing about the effects of this type of history with ferrets.  I have no
idea of what they were eating or how often.  I have no idea if they have
been let out of their cage much at all since this boy left quite a while
Could the collection of minds here on the fml help my friend?  It is Beth,
[log in to unmask] if you would like to contact her and help personally.  I
feel these fellas could be greaaaaat pets, if we knew what we were doing in
this somewhat perplexing and complex situation.  They are very young, and
have no malice whatsoever and it is evedent that they are trying very hard
to adjust (and actually succeeding in my opinion).  Beth has an 8 year old,
and my ferret knowing children do come into her home... but we worry as
they have been bitten several times now.
Any advice, insight, experience, and help would be greatly apreciated.
thank you
Please visit:
for information on deafness and ferrets:
take a peek at upcomming "so you have allergies":
[Posted in FML issue 3089]