I have not posted in ages.  I am disabled and its all I can do to keep up
with 6 ferrets, 2 cats, a husband and 4 grandchildren.  Its also been a
while since I have read the FML.  NOW PLEASE DONT FLAME ME! (emphasis
added) Max was bought at the dog pound (for those who can remember that far
back we had a heck of a time getting the city to find a vet for the ferrets
as they didnt look healthy--thanks to subtle threats by me that I would
post the city health officials email on the FML-they finally consulted a
vet who said they were healthy)  Well I knew better than that.  Max didnt
look healthy but he was so loving and looked so needy that we fell in love
with him and took him home with us.  We got a free well-ferret checkup at
our vet and the vet said he seemed all right except that he was so thin.
Well we kept trying to fatten him up with IAMS Kitten Food (they refuse
ferret food).  We also gave him Ferretvite.  Finally last year Max's hair
fell out--the vet said his cancer was very wide-spread and gave him at most
6 months to live--he does have growths on his body.  Well our thin, puny
naked ferret is still alive, runs as best he can, eats like a horse and has
been known to throw an unwanted ferret out of his hammock (LOL).  He may
outlive all the other ferrets as far as I know.  At one time we had thought
of letting him pass over the bridge but now we are glad that we didnt.  His
cage mates protect him from the bigger ferrets.
And we feel a joy coming from being around him.  He is our baby.  But
nothing more can be done for him.  He is much too thin for surgery and I
dont think his body would be up to the invasion.
Also, we have one male (late alter) who still thinks he's a stud (we got
him from the KFA) and tries to mate with the only little female we have.
Of course the other ferrets cheer him on.  Is it possible that he wasnt
fully altered or maybe he thinks he still a whole hob.  Any suggestions?
Please remember-I didnt write this to hear any flames and I dont need
any hateful replies.  I am just asking.  OK?
Thanks for listening
[Posted in FML issue 3089]