Hello, everybody!
Once again, that little fuzzie guy, Kuychi, who totally owns me is asking
for being more spoiled! ;-)
He is ten months old now, and even though I've always been feeding him
Marshall Ferret Food, adding some ferretone and similars, he is extremely
small and underweight - he weighs 1 kg (sorry, I'm not sure how to put that
in other measuring systems) and his coat is not particularly shinny.  I
don't really get...I believe the reason should be because he is a Mashall
Ferret who entered my country, Brazil, apparently illegaly, so I would
think that the pet store/importing company got my baby and his brothers out
of a weaker offspring.  Besides, he lived his entire 10 months of life
dealing with a strong infestation of Giardia, which only recently my vet
found out (I began his treatment two days ago).
So my question would be - is there any other vitamins or nutrients
suplemments that would enrich his diet, perhaps offering him substances
that would improve his health and growing?  It is too bad that he went
through a hard time with greedy pet store owners, i would like to reward
him!  Is it too late to help him to grow stronger and healthier?  Please,
if you know of any products/vitamins or anything else I could feed him,
pls let me know!  Oh, and pls, if possible, try to write the name of the
substance instead of the regular brand, cause I'm afraid I wouldnt be able
to find it by the brand here in Brazil.
I hope I'm not asking for too much, but I swear, my little one
deserves!  ;-)))  Also, exercises should help his development too, right?
Any suggestions?  Just playing time?
On another note: What publications, like ferret related Magazines, do you
prefer out there?  I'd be interested in something that would combine info
and new ideas on ferrets, as well as cute pictures.  I know there are a
thousand out there, thats why I would like to listen to your preferences,
my ferrets experts friends!  ;-) If possible, could you tell me if they
have a site or email through which I could subscribe and get info?  Thanks
once again!
Drawing: I remember a while ago someone in the FML posted saying she/he was
an artist, and would like to know where to find material that would help
the portraiting of the fuzzies, like perhaps some work that displayed the
muscles, general anatomy, etc- if you have any ideas, I would be very very
interested as well!
Updates: For all of you who were so kind to help me out with my other
questions, here goes an update of Kuychi: He starting to take Flagyl to
deal with the Giardia.  I also was able to find the medicine especially
prepared for baby, so it tastes a lot better, he actually enjoys it!  -
btw, during which part of the treatment should I desinfect his cage, etc,
etc?  I finally found a vet who actually figured the right dose of the
medication for him - thank you so much for all of you who gave me so many
precious info!
Also, he has been going for short walks on my playground , and he seems in
paradise!  ;-) The leashes, etc, really worked!  He is also a hundred times
less frightened during bathing times!
Well, I guess I'm done with my interrogatory! ;-) I would really appreciate
any help at all - and also, one more time, I thank all those who already
clarified so many doubts I had!
My Best Wishes for everybody and for every ferrets out there, and thanks in
[Posted in FML issue 3088]