Hi, Monna,
All ferrets are different.  Some grow back their hair quickly, others take
longer.  I am more concerned that Taz' vulva is still swollen.
Absolutely, positively get Taz back to your vet.  Pertwee had successful
adrenal surgery, was clearly recovering the first two weeks and even
started growing hair again.  Then the symptoms started to come back.  Five
weeks after his first surgery he had his second.  In just five weeks the
tumor in the right adrenal gland was bigger that the one that was removed
from the left.
I'm not saying that the adrenal disease has recurred in Taz.  I don't know.
I haven't seen her, and in any case, I'm not a vet.  I'm just saying that
it is possible, and needs to be checked.  I really hope that isn't the
case.  I hope she's just recovering slowly and nothing is really wrong.
The good news is that ferrets can do very well and live on for years after
a bilateral adrenalectomy.  One member of our local club has a little girl
who had a bilateral three years ago, and is still a little hellion.
Good luck!
All the best,
Caity and the exuberant eight
[Posted in FML issue 3088]