Hi Everyone, have been away for a while camping with my son now that school
is out for the summer, that is why I haven't been around.  I am very
concerned about my Taz.  I DO HAVE a vet appointment for Wednesday morning,
so I AM gonna make sure it's taken care of, but in the mean time I am
hoping you all can help me understand what this may be and what I can do.
I have a very bad cold, and this may be it, I don't know.  Taz's one eye
seems to have a cold in it, or may be infected.  It is pasted shut with goo
when he wakes up and quickly gets covered up right away after I wipe it
clean with warm water and a cotton ball.  It looks kind of cloudy also.  He
is only 1 year old and was at the vet 4 months ago for a general check up
and his eyes were fine and health fine.  He is fine other wise, eating,
playing, drinking and begging for his favorite goodie, but I don't like
seeing him with a pasted eye.  Does this sound like an infection of some
sort?  I know that when Jack and Taz play, Jack will occassionally bite
him/pull him above the eye, could this cause an infection?  I am taking
him in to his doctor on Wednesday, but wanted the advice of other ferret
parents.  Please, if you have any idea's as to what this could be, please,
please email me at [log in to unmask] and in the subject line please put
Eye Problem
Thank You in advance for you response as it is appreciated.
Lynn & Bob Taz, Sharkie, Jack, Jill, Bootz & Daisy
[Posted in FML issue 3087]