'Tis a day to rejoice...tomorrow, both of my hobs will be neutered.  No
more leaking.  Poor Socks, my only female, will now be able to hold her
head high instead of her rump.  Her rump you see that was Olivers favorite
place to uhmmm...clean..yah that's it..to clean.  I did not plan it this
way, but it is also Olivers 1st birthday...it is not a present that my
husband would want I am sure!
Ricky, AKA Ricky Marken..get it?..will be 2 this July, he is my other hob.
Ricky is a German/Aussie bred ferret, a gorgeous sable, solid and VERY
sweet.  he behaves just like a dog..LOVES to drink out of the toilet, it
is very cute to see his butt and hind legs hanging over the edge of the
toilet.  HE IS ALSO the biggest "leaker" His morning ritual is to get
up..get a drink, and start the rounds in my room of making sure EVERYTHING
has been blessed by his golden liquid..starting with the top of my foot!!
NEXT month I am getting my carpets cleaned!!!  Oliver had grown up with my
other ferrets, so it wont be a problem when he is around my other ferrets.
Ricky on the other hand..well first, he would have gladly killed Oliver for
me if I would have let him..in the last two months they never got to play
together, but the other 3, Socks, Humphrey and Chandler, he was VERY VERY
aggressive with..so I am assuming within a couple of weeks up to a month
all of their hormones will be out of their system?  How long should I wait
before introducing them?  Ricky has spent the last 2 months in my room by
himself..poor guy.
Well wish us luck
stay fuzzy
June Louis and the leaky zoo
[Posted in FML issue 3041]