That the 16 "Yakimaniacs" are now 15....
Dean our big albino boy is gone...
It was not an expected 'leaving' and the sense of loss is extreme..
When the cage doors were opened this morning, Dean was not at his usual
spot (in front of the door, clawing at the 'Let me out you big
doofus!')  He was still in the big bed, lying on his side.  It's not
unusual to have to awaken Chuckles, or the DEW Casper...but never Dean!
I started telling him to get that big butt out of bed, when it became
apparent that he was no longer with us, physically....and the crying hasn't
stopped since..
I'm old enough to know that life isn't fair....but......It's Not Fair!!!
I'm sorry that I yelled at him to get up
I'm sorry he wasn't the one I took outside yesterday
I'm sorry I didn't give him an extra hug as he was put to bed last night
I'm sorry last night wasn't a Ferretone nite
I'm sorry the leather jacket hasn't come yet, and I never got to see him
in it..
I'm sorry the new cage didn't come...he would have loved it..
and so so many more sorrys....
Dean was a big 4lb+ boy from Seattle, that came to live with us 9 short
months ago
He had an adrenal disorder, and was medically treated for it
He was the only lap ferret among the 16 here...
How he loved just to be held...he'd make little squeeking sounds...
He really was a people ferret..
Oh, how he could 'scrinch' up his nose when he was lapping up Ferretone...
He loved treats, and in a unique Dean way...he'd always make sure several
were underneath him, and eat backwards...thereby protecting them....
He didn't really concern himself with stashing favorite toys...he just
seemed always ready to come and be picked up and held
He wasn't a carpet digger, and he was real good with the litter boxes!
He loved to come in our bedroom, and when put on the bed, would fling
himself madly about...till over the edge he'd go!
I was always going to video that.....another sorry....
When he first came, we called him 'Mean Dean' as he established dominence
over 15 others..
Once he acomplished that, he became known as 'Mellow Yellow'
He loved to get the leaves, grass or didn't
matter....just to be outside....
He got to dig in dirt, and play in water, and shredded paper, and
sacks....we tried to get him lots of experiences
How can this place feel so empty when there are 15 ferrets still here?
I thought cleaning their room would help....but I've cried all over the
floor as I mopped..
I thought playing with rest would help...but I see Dean everywhere...
I thought writing this would help...but I'm crying as much as ever
I guess I just can't cope...
I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but I've cried as I read of others
losses....old soft headed me....and I guess I never really took it to
heart, when they would say to hug your ferret...for you never know.....
I never thought it would happen to me...but it has...and it hurts!
Goodbye Dean
I've asked that you be looked after, at 'The Bridge' and that you find
'Merret the Ferret' and you both wait for me...
I sincerely hope you find someone to hold you and love you, as much as we
Mom, Dad and your brothers and sisters...
Riki Tiki Tavi Chuckles Pansy Clover Rose Jester Joker Lily Jasper Jasmine
Martin Casper and Rex
[Posted in FML issue 3065]