At 02:18 5/23/00 +0100, Cris Page wrote:
>... Thanks for the links to Boe info.  I'll probably e-mail the RSPCA.  It
>may only get an auto response, but they'll read the mail.  I'm in the USA
>so they may not respond to postal mail anyhow.
>I would be tempted to challenge your local human society publicly on that..
I have challenged them on the question of (lack of) effectiveness of ferret
rabies vaccinations.  I have sent them information from SC DHEC (South
Carolina Department of Health and Environmental C... something or other),
which sets state policy in this area, which states that ferrets are indeed
protected by an appropriate rabies vaccine and are to be treated the same
as cats and dogs in rabies/bite situations.  It appears they (SPCA) are
either willfully ignorant, are afraid of ferrets for whatever reason, or
have a hidden agenda with regard to ferrets.  If it relates to any fear of
being bitten, it is irrational in light of the risk they take with dogs and
cats on a daily basis.  I'd rather be bitten by a ferret than a cat any day
of the week.  Make that 5 times by a ferret vs once by a cat!  I'm going to
keep working on them, nut gently so they don't get so upset that they stop
listening.  Ferrets have been legal for sale in SC since about Feb 27, 2000
and I expect the numbers needing SPCA help to increase soon.
Jim H
[Posted in FML issue 3062]