I think JC brought up some excellent reasons for posting anonymously.  I
also think that it makes sense for vets to use that feature to keep their
addresses private, that it makes sense for those in FFZs who have ferrets,
etc.  I don't think that the anonymous feature should be used by someone
to insult another or make accusations against another.  Still, if Bill has
seen having such things getting out into the open actually stop rumors in
their tracks then that's certainly useful.  Here's a suggestion: if there
is ever a situation like happened with the person who said nasty
accusations about Bob's simple typo of hitting "8" instead of "9", and the
poster wants to be anonymous while the target is named, and the letter is a
borderline one then perhaps the TARGET of the post should get a copy of the
letter BEFORE it appears in print, and the letter should be held while the
NAMED VICTIM decides if the letter should appear or not.  After all, since
the poster is anonymous that can't hurt the poster.  Then if the letter
appears it would appear with a REPLY from the victim and that would be
that -- NO ONE could comment afterward, end of story.  Right on the bottom
of the letter Bill would note that discussion was now closed.  WOULD THAT
WORK?  It could still stop rumors but it would prevent things from
escalating, wouldn't it?  Am I right or wrong?
I am SO very, very tired of the nasty rumors I have gotten, and of the
garbage which has come up here recently -- and ***NO*** I am NOT going to
say who sent the private ones; that's between that individual and me
PERIOD, nor do I want letters asking so don't bother to send any.  You know
what is said about "assume": "ass" "you" "me", so don't assume who it is,
either.  I am NOT mentioning anyone by name here and didn't in my mention
of the trash I've gotten, or of the nasty things said in relation to
others, so with over 3,000 people here I'm sure not narrowing down the
field for anyone and don't have any intention of doing so.  Don't go
putting words in my mouth which I never uttered and thinking that is the
same as if I'd mentioned them.  Over 3,000 people is hardly a narrow field.
Anyway, do you think a process like the one above would work?  Let's turn
something unpleasant into something constructive to prevent such problems
in the future, and let's got on to some real life things, even some happy
things.  Those are what belong on here and help all of us.
Hey, even Ashling who is really a "Daddy's girl" gave me kisses on Mother's
Day.  Hmmmm, did she get orders from the Mother Ship?  Anyone here who spys
on that secret ferret organization (not using the initials to help avoid
the ferrets spotting this letter... :-) ) have an answer?
[Moderator's note: Actually, I frequently tell the posters of somewhat
inflamatory material that I'll only allow it after I forward it to the
other party and the party has had a day or two to respond if he or she
wishes to.  Upon hearing that the poster usually tells me to just forget
it, but other times that's the way it goes.  I'd do it more frequently if
it didn't take so long each time!  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3053]