I have over the last several weeks been receiving unsolicited and unwanted
slanderous or insulting mails which unpleasantly mentioned several FML
members from a solitary individual with whom I want no contact.  (One of
these victims, Bob, was recently attacked here for a simple and easy typo).
(And , yes, I lost my temper, finally, with the private letters.) These
members who were attacked in the letters extend over two continents and
three countries and have been salt-of-the-earth people in my interactions
with them.  I have asked the offending person sending these to STOP writing
to me -- AGAIN, and again, and again, and again, and... You see, this
person has imposed such letters upon me on and off for YEARS (sometimes at
rates of three or more huge letters each and every day) and I personally
consider such actions to be somehow mentally ill.  That's only my
uneducated opinion, but perhaps you would also feel severely imposed upon
if someone sent you such undesired mails for so very long, in such copious
amounts and would prefer to think that the individual has to attend to a
mental health matter rather than that the individual is simply malicious.
The individual is functional in everyday life, though, so I asked a friend
who is a professional if such people should or should not have to face
responsibility for their actions.  I was told that for someone who is still
functional in everyday life that having to face responsibility for that
person's own actions is actually a HEALTHY thing.
Having learned that, having again warned the person a few times recently to
stop writing to me, I am pretty well at the end of options.  I am not happy
that I lost my temper with the person and said some things quite frankly
about what those ACTIONS spreading such rumors were like, but I did and I'm
only human.  Would have been great if losing my temper had worked to stop
the letters but it didn't.  Now I will warn the person publicly that if I
get mail from this individual then I will contact the person's server to
finally put an end to such mails.  That sort of action will be new to me,
but it's really gone on way too long and gotten too ugly so the person has
to accept responsibility.  As you will notice, I did NOT mention anyone by
name.  This way, those who have also received such hateful mail may guess
who $#$@$&*&(& is, but they will not know given the large numbers of people
here.  That means ONLY the sender of those ugly mails I keep getting and I
(as the unhappy recipient) will know for sure.  SO, STOP IT!
Thank goodness people who impose such garbage are so extremely rare.
Oh, and if someone is going to "assume" who I mean; don't waste your time.
It's a pain in the butt to have other's assumptions translated as being any
FML member's words (including mine) to the list.  It is also uncalled for.
Yes, I am angry and at the end of options, but I think that I have just
cause to be fed up after years of receiving this unwanted clap-trap about
fellow list members.  I would like to be using the kind of control which I
urged others to use so that this wouldn't blow up badly -- and I am VERY
grateful that the rest of you have been so in control since that can only
help end this garbage.  (Thank you so VERY, VERY much!) Ask yourselves,
though, how you would feel if you received this sort of vomit about friends
over and over again from someone who you asked to leave you alone.  Perhaps
you would also lose your patience?  I've never claimed to be anything more
than human, and like anyone else, I have limits.  That is why I lost my
patience, but I sure tried to keep things under constructive control even
then, though I have only human abilities so was far from friendly about it.
Hope that I didn't upset anyone except the types of people who are
regularly destructive.
Let's end this garbage and get on to REAL LIFE.   Okay?
[Posted in FML issue 3053]