My older ferret Pookie in the past has had a tendency to get next to either
of my cats and lay very still beside it.  He will lie with the cat until it
has decided to get up.  Even if he is in the middle of wild play, he will
stop to hang out with the cat.  He has occassionally attempted to clean a
cat's ear, this will go one as long as the cat will tolerate it.  Just
today I noticed Pookie stradle one of the cats from behind and dig his
little head between his shoulderblades, I can only guess that he was
grooming the kitty.  Is this type of interplay normal between the two types
of animals?  When my other ferret was a baby the cats actually would calm
it down when it would cry by licking him or gently putting their paws on
him.  Nowadays they just accept his roughhousing and never fight back.  I
guess there are no rules to animal intereactions.  I would be interested to
hear from others about the bonds between their ferrets and cats.
[Posted in FML issue 3039]