Ever noticed that the ferret licks liquids (LUMPS) off the inside vertical
wall of the soup bowl and almost never laps up the soup as a dog or cat
will - and that is lapping it up directly from the surface or even the
miniscus* of the soup?
Could it be that the ferret is unable to curl the forward part of its
tongue up into a mini-ladle and essentially "scoup" up the liquid, as a
cat or dog would do?
I think, as I remember, the dog's tongue, distally curls forward whereas
the cat's tongue distally curls reward.  Is this consistent with your view?
Any ideas about this phenomenon?  Are there extant any slow-motion films
available that depict the ferret lapping up a liquid whereat the geometry
of the tongue is discernable?
So, drizzle very slowly a little ferretone or olive oil onto the surface of
room temperature water in a large, shallow bowl and lie down with a very,
very strong flashlight and tell us of your findings.  You could make this
sort of a science project for the kids.  They'd love to do it and they'd be
the smartest kids in the whole wide world, knowing what everybody else is
totally ignorant of.  Does your ferret's tongue curl at its tip?  If so,
which way, forwards or rearwards, or neither?
First one to report is entitled to one official and certified "Attaboy"
("Attagirl?) from the research staff here at F.E.R.R.E.T.S. NW.  Thank
you Doctor Grosskopf.
*miniscus - the surface of the liquid at the intersection of the side
walls of the bowl.
Edward Lipinski  @  Ferret Endowment for Research, Rehabilitation,
Education  & Training Society, aka F.E.R.R.E.T.S.NW, or more simply FNW.
[Posted in FML issue 3051]