I don't think Sally realized it was my THUMB that she was biting.  Just
before the bite incident, I had eaten something chocolate.  I ate the
chocolate with my other hand, but it's possible that the thumb she bit
into touched the chocolate, and she smelled it.  I'll assume that's what
happened here, and be very careful to avoid the Sally/chocolate
combination! :)
As for my thumb - it's very sore today.  You don't realize how much you use
your thumb until you can't use it for a couple of days.  Two of the bite
wounds are deep puncture wounds - I'm afraid I wasn't good about cleaning
it out after the incident (in fact, within fifteen minutes, I was mowing
the lawn with a push mower because it was going to rain - thumb unbandaged
and all).  The only thing I've done for it is soak it in a bowl of warm
water for a few minutes after the incident.  I'm worried about infection
setting in.  We have no antiseptic cream (I'll get some today), and I
should probably try to get the wound opened up so it can heal from the
inside out.  Any tips on how to go about healing my thumb?  I'm a little
afraid to go to the doctor and have them find out that a ferret bit me -
who knows what their reaction will be.  Ferrets get such a bad rap as it
Debbie, Becky, and the fab foursome: Brae, Templeton, Sally and Phoebe
Remembering Jamie - with us such a short time, but special because she
was our first
[Posted in FML issue 3050]