I too have a ferret whose response to squeaky toys is, well, aggressive.
I bought Selena a stuffed raccoon squeaky toy and when I started squeaking
it, she came running, ran right up my leg and bit me - hard.  She was
trying to bite the apparently offensive squeaky, but my hand happened to
get in the way.  When I put her down with the squeaky, which was grasped
tightly in her jaws, she proceeded to give it the "death shake" several
times before dragging it into one of her "dens".  Every time I squeaked
it she had the same reaction (minus the hand-biting since I learned to keep
my hand out of the way).  She also reacts similarly to the talking Baby
Dinosaur [perhaps you've seen the TV show?] stuffed toy I have - if you
pull it's cord it says things like "I'm gonna bite you now" and "I'm
hungry.  Feed my mouth".  It's about the size of a raccoon and it's pretty
funny to watch her drag it, walking backwards, across the room and try to
tug it under low-lying articles of furniture.  She also gives the death
shake to these little fabric balls with a bell inside that a friend brought
for her.  I think she has highly developed "predatory" instincts.  She was
an accomplished cricket hunter when visiting my Dad's place in Arizona one
summer, a ferocious slayer of giant (we're talkin' 3-4 inchers here)
cockroaches in my Galveston, Texas apartment, and no pom-pon-on-a-string
toy is safe from her even at her advanced age (she'll be 8 in August).
[BTW - I never let her eat the bugs, and stopped her from actually catching
them whenever possible in case they carried insecticide residues.]  I'm not
sure what it is about the squeaky sound or the Baby Dinosaur talk (she only
attacks it when it talks) that seems to provoke such a reaction, but at
least I know she can hear (though she often chooses to pretend she cannot,
particularly when I'm telling her not to do something). ;-)
Selena - "I'm sorry.  Did you say something?  I couldn't hear you because
I was busy pooping on the new rug."
[Posted in FML issue 3049]