For everyone who miss their fuzzies that have gone to the Rainbow Bridge,
rest assured that they are in God's Loving Hands, and they will never again
be subjected to illnesses, accidents, abuse or death.  We will be reunited
again with our beloved 4-legged and 2-legged family.  God is the Great
Conservationist, and what He has made comes back to Him for all eternity.
I pray for peace in your hearts and minds and the comfort in the knowledge
that God loves you and all creatures.
Regarding Flea Prevention, on advice of my Veterinarian, Dr. Tom
Dombrowski, we used advantage on our ferrets, cats & dogs.  He recommended
that we use 1/2 dose of kitten dose (under 10 lbs, I think) for the males
and 1/3 dose of kitten dose for the females.  Since we have 6 dogs, 2 cats
& 14 ferrets, it is necessary to prevent fleas in the house and on the
pets.  We also took all of the pets out of the house and set off bug-bombs.
Following instructions, the pets did not return into the house for 2 hours
after completely airing out the house.  We eliminated all fleas & their
eggs (and all other bugs too.).  Since we live surrounded by the Huron
National Forest, we have big concern about fleas & ticks too.
Regarding squeeky toy, we had one ferret, Scruffy, who would attack when
squeeky toy sounded.  We found out too late that he had had severe scar
tissue in his ears from ear-mites (he was one of 17 that we rescued), and
the sound of the squeeky toy hurt his ears.  We had to put Scruffy to
sleep because he bit our daughter's ex-dipstick, oops, boyfriend after he
squeeked the toy at Scruffy.  The Neo-Nazi at the State of Michigan Health
Department (How did she get a DVM?) insisted that Scruffy be tested for
Rabies (cut off his head).  It would have been better if the boyfriend had
had his head cut off (oh-oh, judge not least ye be judged).  ok enough of
my biases.  Have Vet check ears for scarring
Rev.Ron Sims,D.D.& Family: 8 hoomans owned by 14 ferts, 6 canines & 2
crazy puddy-tats.
[Posted in FML issue 3049]