As I posted last Thursday, I was contacted by a young boy in Lansdowne
(just southeast of Philadelphia) whose mother told him to find a home for
his ferrets because he is not taking care of them.  A woman at a pet store
found my number for him in one of the ferret magazines.  Personally, I
think parents should *expect* to care for their children's pets unless
human development changes soon.  But anyway....
They are both girls who were adopted from a shelter in NJ about two years
ago.  They may be about 5 or 6yo.  One was described as having white fur
underneath fur with grey tips (a silver?) and one as yellow underneath fur
with grey tips, plus white feet (a mitt).  Both have white faces with very
faint masks.  The yellow one is almost blind but gets around without a
problem.  She and the golden retriever are good buddies.  Both use the
litter box every time whether in or out of the cage.  They come with a
two-level condo that comes to sort of a point at the top.  It sounds like
they are in good health.  Both are very sweet and give kisses.
If you are interested, please contact me right away.  Two shelters
have kindly offered to take them, but a loving home is always best.
Judith White
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[Posted in FML issue 3049]