ok what gives because here i was sittin here minding my own business when
some big guy with fur under his nose grabbs me with his paw and puts me in
this box and then he takes me in this big red thinggie and we go but i cant
see where we going because i cant see because i is really little because i
is only 2 monts old and then he takes me in this other place and then he
puts me in this big white thing and he puts water on me and i know what
water is and he dryes me and then he put me in this really nice big thing
and there a bowl with some goood stuff to eats and now he keeps sayin
"Calvin" at me but i think he nice because he give me a yellow ducky that
makes a funy noise when he squeeze it but now i gotta go because he coming
back because he was talking to something called a "vet".  what a
[Posted in FML issue 3048]