A fuzzy kiss to start the day
means more than words can ever say,
Fuzzy whispers in my ear,
little whiskers, soft and dear..
A little shadow follows me,
a little nudge...what can it be?
Just my fuzzy at my feet,
innocent and looking sweet...
A little furball on the run,
life so brief, but so much fun!
misplaced poopies on the rug,
trusting eyes, a fuzzy hug..
Bedtime when I tuck you in,
a goodnite kiss, a tickled chin..
Special Blessings all day long,
I'll miss them so when you are gone...
So now I treasure every one
until your little life is done..
'cuz in our house we know it's true:
Our home is blessed because of you.
                     by liz blackburn,
                     for little Fang
[Posted in FML issue 3047]