I am in hysterics right now....Ginger just used the bathroom.  But it
wasn't normal at all!  It's 11:18pm.
I don't know if this post will make it in time.  Whatever it was that came
out is horrible.  It doesn't look like poop at all.  It's kind of mucus-y
and white/orangish/red with blood and so on.  It's gooey and it looks like
something from her insides.  no urine, but a clear substance.  There was
also something hard in it.  Very small, but to me it looked rather large
(in comparison to something that would come out a ferret's behind) It was a
pinkish color, flat, long, with reddish tints here and there.  I don't know
how to describe it more, I'm on the verge of tears...please help!
[Posted in FML issue 3047]