I have been vaccinating ferrets with Fervac-D for 4 or 5 years now at
Especially Ferrets Inc.  in Colorado.  In all those years, Ive had one,
count'em, one reaction which consisted of a small amount of swelling at
the injection site and within a few days, some hair loss at the injection
site..  Some of you who have experienced the severe reactions described so
frequently on the fml have had to bear an unbearable it seems burden and
much grief dealing with the reaction that your beloved fuzzie has
experienced.  My heart goes out to you.  Many may be thinking that I just
havent done enough vaccinations or just that I'm lucky?  Let me say
honestly that every ferret that does not have proof of vaccination for
distemper when it comes through my front door, get stuck.  I have gone
through so far this year over 35 boxes of vaccine and am getting ready to
order another 5 boxes.  For those of you who do not know, that is over 300
vaccinations that I have administered this year alone.  So far, this year,
no reactions.(knock on wood) I am questioning in my mind the following,
A) My choice of injection site vs. evrybody elses B) IM or SQ?
C) Technique of injection D) Storage of vaccine and lastly the procedure
for loading the syringe.  Some of these items are pretty basic and just
common sense, but please allow me to explain why these questions have
entered my mind.  Keep in mind, my questions to myself do not in any way
insinuate an inability or incompetence or even blame any one for anywrong
doing here, they are simply this...questions in my mind.  My choice of
injection site is in the back of the scuff, through the layers of skin and
SQ not IM.  I have witnessed vets and vet techs give distemper vaccinations
while the ferret squirmed and screamed and the vaccination was an ordeal
for all involved.  The injection may have become an IM injection at this
point instead of SQ.  My technique is to penetrate the skin at an angle
the completely ensures that the muscles in the neck area and the spine are
never in danger of penetration by the needle and as soon as the needle
"pops" through complete the injection.  I keep my vaccines stored at 38
Degrees in a frig that has meds only and never expose them to heat.  You
all know the Fervac-D comes in two parts.  the dilutant and the vaccine
which is dry powdered and this is important, vacumm packed.  When you fill
the syringe with the dilutant(steriile water) and then stick the needle in
the bottle of vaccine, it should suck the dilutant out of your syringe.  I
have had many batches of Fervac-D where several bottles in a box of ten
were "flat" and lacking in that vacumm seal.  Once, I had most of a box
that I considered to be " no good" and got credit from where I purchased
the vaccine.  Rarely does a ferret that I'm sticking(vaccinating) ever
squirm, sqeal, scream or otherwise show any discomfort when getting stuck
by me.  I watched them closely for 15 to 20 minutes afterwards and have
observed no problems with the shelter kids and with clients who bring their
ferrets to the shelter , I have them hang around the shelter and go out in
ferretland or do something around here for awhile afterwards.  I caution
them to watch closely for any reactions and so far so good.  Lately, the
last two months , I have been premedicating with oral Benadryl just as a
precaution.  Honestly, I am at a loss to explain my lack of witnessing a
reaction here at the shelter as bad as the ones I've read about.  I am
keeping track of the vaccines that I administer this year and expect my
total to reach well past 700 this year.  I hope and pray I don't see a
reaction., but still I wonder,.... am I properly vaccinating my ferrets???
hug your kids, two and four legged and let them all know you love them.
However long they live it is not enough.
[Posted in FML issue 3039]