Since everyone seems to have an opinion on flea control {:-)}, I figured
I'd ask about TICKS!
I don't have the ferrets on any medication for fleas or ticks.  The vet
gave me meds (Frontline) for the dog that he said would kill the adult
fleas and their eggs, so I wouldn't have to worry about medicating the
ferts.  Plus he said NOT to use it on the ferts.
But the meds for the dog was also supposed to kill ticks.  I specifically
mentioned to the vet how bad the ticks in our area are and that I needed
tick protection.  Within 2 weeks after applying the Frontline, I found 4
ticks on the dog, 2 still crawling and 2 attached & bloated.  I searched
the ferrets, but they were clean.
So I bought a flea&tick collar.  Stinks like hell, but I had always used
them on my other dogs with great success.  Well, the ticks around here must
be heartier than I thought.  2 nights ago I found one attached to the dog,
but it was dead.  This morning on our walk, I found one crawling in the fur
on his leg.
Too make a long story short (too late), I need to find something to protect
the dog from ticks but is still safe for the ferrets.  He plays with them
(the ferrets, not the ticks) occassionally and has easy access to their
cages (he even slips his tongue through the grate to get Totally Ferret out
of their bowls).  We have a lot of woods and tall grass around our complex,
so it's very easy for the dog to pick up the ticks (not to mention he's low
to the ground).
Does anyone have any better tick-preventing ideas?
Aileen & the Herd minus one Herdling
Slinky, Kyle, Noel, Sandy, & Rootie the beagle
Missing Gizmo so much. We love you, baby.
Check out the Herd's website at:
[Posted in FML issue 3046]