Someone posted a message on the board about killing/puttin down ferrets
early.  I completely disagree.  Sometimes animals get old, and sometimes
they are in pain.  If any of my animals were in this situation where there
was no way to help them, I WOULD put them down early.  As much as it would
break my heart, it'd tear me to pieces to see any of them live in pain.
And it's not always because someone doesn't know how or doesn't want to
take responsibility to take care of them.  I wouldn't dare want someone
else to take care of one of my fur children if they were sick.  And it's
not a pride thing either.  It's very hard for me to explain, and as with
everything, there are different opinions on how to handle such things.
This is mine.  I'm not saying I'm right or wrong.  Nor am I saying Sukie
is right or wrong.  BUT, before you throw flames at someone for putting a
poor fur child down early, maybe you should think twice.
[Posted in FML issue 3044]