A few days ago I posted about a fellow needing help in getting his ferrets
to Houston Texas, due to a job transfer.  He has to leave Calgary by the
first of June.
Flights from Calgary to Houston for ferrets has been banned as of yesterday
due to the heat embargo.  The airlines refuse to fly ferrets in hot
temperatures.  The only solution was to try to get the ferrets from Calgary
to a destination closer to Houston.  It looks like he can get a flight for
the ferrets from Calgary to Toronto and then to New Orleans - an 11 hour
flight.  So now I am looking for someone who could pick them up from the
airport in New Orleans, and then somehow get them to Houston.  This would
entail picking them up at about noon on the day of arrival, which would
more than likely be a Friday.
If anyone can be apart of this new plan, please send me an email at the
above address.  He has given me his email address so that you may
correspond to him directly but I would like it if you could write to
me off list for it.
Thanks again
Betty and Her Blur O'Fur
[Posted in FML issue 3044]