I just want to tell the world that on May 8, 2000 I will be a Ferret Mama
for 31 Years. I received my first Ferret on May 8th 1969. It was my 12th
birthday. Needless to say, I have aged since then. I can not tell the world
just how much I have enjoyed these guys. Also,I have never seen a day
without huggs and kisses from my little ones. I hope that my next 31 years
are filled with the Happy Dance of Joy in my home daily. If only I could
reach out to all who have not been as lucky as me to have share their life
with a Fuzzie. They would  then all have a dozen or so of these little ones
dancing in their heart.Just as mine have.
My heart goes out to all the sick fuzzies, and that I send my prayers.  And
also to all the fuzzies that had enter the Rainbow Bridge.
If you are reading my post, GIVE YOUR FUZZIE A HUGGIE & KISSES FROM ME!!!!
God Bless,
The Ferret Mama ( 31 Years of Fuzzies)
Denise Peddington Davis & The Furface Gang
[Posted in FML issue 3044]