I want to thank everyone who e-mailed me, those of you who wrote to my work
address, I'm sorry I haven't replied, I haven't been to work, haven't been
feeling well.  Thank you to Troy Lynn for giving me the most informative
website!  I have forwarded all of your e-mails to my mom, and will talk
with her tonight and I'm pretty sure I can persuade her that at least
medicine would be better, if we can't afford the surgery for not.
For those of you who suggested I give them to a shelter, I'm sorry, you
must have misunderstood me, I was trying everything in my power to convince
my mother to not put them down, I would have probably took them in my arms
and ran out the vets if I had to, I wanted to persuade her informatively
though.  I know I was going to get some of those e-mails, just because I
know from many posts how people say you should be able to take care of them
or give them away, well, when I got them all, I was very able to take care
of them, and we also knew that most ferrets get adrenal, we just didn't
know how to treat it, if it's fatal or painful for them to have or
anything.  I know it sounds selfish that I won't give them to a shelter or
adopt them out, but I'm trying to find ways of not giving them up in any
way possible.  I would feel bad to give them to someone and have them get
them better, because then I would want them back and that's not very nice.
So, thank you all for your support, I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
[Posted in FML issue 3043]