Hello Friends,
I just wanted to let you all know that Buddy died this afternoon.
He underwent surgery this morning where his Right and Left adrenal gland
and his spleen were removed.  The surgery went well.  Unfortunately Buddy
had another problem.  The platelets in his blood were not working.  He
started to hemorrhage on a major scale.  He was bleeding inside his muscles
and just about everywhere internally.  Dr. Weiss, the veterinarian, went
back in but was unable to find anything that he could tie off to stop the
bleeding.  So, Dr. Weiss gave Buddy three blood transfusions from three
different ferrets.  His hope was that the platelets in the new blood would
stop the hemorrhaging.  Dr. Weiss also gave Buddy a shot that should help
the blood to clot.  Unfortunately the hemorrhaging wouldn't stop.  About
three hours after the surgery, Buddy quietly crossed over.
I miss Buddy more then words can explain.
I Love you Buddy!
Until we meet again my Friend . . . .
[Posted in FML issue 3043]