Confertius say: Stack cheweasels in corner for rainyday.
Confertius say: One raisin in mouth is better than two in box.
Confertius say: Tis better to have poofed and ran than never to have poofed
at all.
Confertius say: Ferret who climb fishtank end up with wet face.
Confertius say: Ferret who bite hand that feed it end up in cage in
Confertius say: The journey of a thousand steps begins with a wild romp
around the room.
Confertius say: To poop in the box is fine.  To poop in the corner on the
carpet is divine!
Confertius say: Dook and let Dook!
Judy Cooke
Tyson, Hope, and Einstein
[Posted in FML issue 3043]