Today, at 1:30pm, Garret, the last of my original three companions, left
me.  He was 10 years, 4 months old.
There was nothing special about Garret.  He was a light sable, refused
to learn any tricks, had no interest in toys of any kind, could have
cared less about socks, (Or any other article of clothing) kissed only
occasionally (When he knew it would get him something..usually 'down')
loved milk and chocolate and Ferretone, ate only Mazuri and Totally Ferret.
He was a 'people' ferret.  He was happiest when in our arms, or asleep on
my son's chest while in front of the tv or while my son was studying.  I
would go in to tuck my son goodnight and Garret was invariably curled up in
the nook between head and shoulders.  I never knew Garret to bite or nip,
even in the roughest of play.  He was fearless when it came to cats.  Dogs
were nothing more than an annoyance to Garret.  Along with Billy-Bob, they
would sit on the driver's seat back and watch the scenery go by as we
traveled.  Oh yes, I don't think he ever missed the litter boxes we had
scattered around the house.  He was so good about using them.  I swear he
was embarrassed in the past few months when he became incontinent.
No, there was nothing special about Garret, but he was 'SPECIAL', none the
less.  He was my friend, my companion, and I loved him dearly.  He left me
today, to play with his friends, Bubba and Billy-Bob.  I will always hear
them, rustling the papers when no one is around, or will notice that my
milk glass is just a little more empty..some mysterious something was
helping themselves to it, or the rocking chair moving for no apparent
reason.  'They' are up to mischief.
My friend left me today, but he is still here, in my heart, forever.
Good-bye Garret, I will miss you.
(In mourning, Snorkle, Tuzigoot, and Bancho.  Now three spirits, Bubba,
Billy-Bob, and Garret)
[Remove .FSPAM. from MC's address to reply to him.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3042]