I am happy to announce that as of May 1, Mr. ChuCullain "Cully" Harrison
Ferret has reached the grand old age of nine.  Now, May 1st is just his
honorary birthday, and nine is a guess (his known history streches back
six years, and a vet guestimated him at 3 when he showed up as a lost
foundling).  But whenever he was actually born, and however many months
and years he has racked up, he is a fine old ferret, and a ferret who has
demonstrated the resiliency and determination of all ferretry to an
admirable degree.
Cully's story is familiar to many here, either from me talking about him or
from the Problem Biters FAQ, which I compiled because of him.  The gist is
that Cully came to me as a serious biter with big trust issues, and today
he is a kissy ferret who sprawls out next to me on the bed in the mornings
to say hello.  He was once a champagne siamese, but over the years his mask
and points have faded, leaving him a fluffy sandy yellow all over.  He
underwent adrenal surgery in August 1999, when he was also diagnosed with
insulinoma and lymphoma.  He's been maintaining ok on pediapred, though I
can see his hind legs becoming worse pretty quickly.  All in all, he's my
big old tough guy, and he has lived/lives a life worth celebrating.  Give
all your old geezers an extra hug today and congratulate them for ferrety
lives well lived :-)
Regina Harrison  [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3042]