Hey all, I really hate to do this, and I don't even know if my mother will
let me, and it's probably going to look bad to the person I adopted a
ferret from, but I need some help.  a little while ago I wrote about 2
of my ferrets possibly having adrenal, I want to thank all of you that
e-mailed me back, I've been really busy with a new job and all to read the
FML for awhile.  But anyways, I had a talk with my family, none of us can
afford adrenal surgeries/medicines right now, especially for 2 ferrets.
We still owe the vet about $400 for the surgery for Teddy Bear eating her
hammock.  So, upon talking with my family, since we don't really know the
facts about adrenal, such as what goes on after a surgery, but from
reading some posts, I have noticed that a lot of them seem to get sicker
afterwards?  I mentioned that I had thought that was what I read and they
figure, we're going to have to put them down instead. :( *cry*  We go into
the vet on Saturday afternoon to have them tested (I don't even know how
they test for adrenal) and if they are, my mom is going to have them put to
sleep.  I am trying to make her wait until complications get too bad, but I
don't know how well she'll budge.  I really hope it's not adrenal.
Houdini only has hair loss to indicate it, Teddy Bear is just starting to
lose hair on her shoulders and chest, she has uncontrollable bowel
movements and a swollen vulva and has gotten extremely aggressive lately.
To the point of even biting ME (no one bites me!!!!!)  I don't know what to
do, I don't want to put them down if they can be helped but there's no way
we can afford it, I just got a new job, and my car died at the same time,
and my rent is due at the same time *sigh* it's a good thing I have an
understanding fianci because I'd be out of my apartment by now, and my mom
has to pay in a lot of taxes, and the people in her house are running up
the utility bills like crazy and not paying a cent for anything (that's
not my concern or yours on how it affects our situation, but she COULD do
something about it, but short of waiting for their check and making them
sign it over, there's nothing she really CAN DO) ANyhow, if you all have
any suggestions on ways I might get help, or if you can help me, please
E-mail me at [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask] otherwise,
Sandee, watch for my 2 fuzzbutts and make sure they got some krinkle sacks
and plastic eggs.
[Posted in FML issue 3042]