Hi everyone,
I'm pretty new to the list... but I've had ferrets for over a year now.  I
have 2 beautiful sable females, Laverne and Shirley (approx 2 years old
from what the pet store said).  I need some guidance/info/help/anything
you want to call it with Laverne.
Here is a brief history:
Back in Nov.  Laverne started having diarrhea.  I took her to the vet Dr D,
the took a fecal sample to be sent to Cornell University, looked her over,
gave her amoxicillin.  I called back for the results, different Dr
W(partner) said tests were good... may be the food she eats (IAMs kitten
formula) and to change to Purina.  I did that... she stopped eating all
together and dropped from 2.2 lbs to 1.7.  (was force feeding her a
make-shift duck soup) Took her back, Dr W said he felt a mass in her belly
and wanted to take x-rays but didn't have time.  Took her back to Dr D..
took xrays... nothing there.  Put her on more Amoxicillin and Metrodizonal
(sp).  This seemed to help.  She gained some weight back, the diarrhea
wasn't the green-black slimy stuff anymore... but wasn't solid.  She was
her normal energetic self.  But she still had the soft diarrhea.  Dr D
referred me to a small animal vet in Vermont (2 hours away).  Dr H. put
her on the amox, metrodiz and another that I can't think of now.  Thinking
it was ECE.  Not a lot changed so she put her on prednisone.(thinking it
was some kind of Inflammatory intestine stuff) The pred helped to get her
stool into a mound looking stuff for a while.  Dr H wanted to get her down
to a dose of one a day or every other day.  When I tried that she lost
weight, went down hill again.  So 2 weeks ago she asked to have me bring
her in for xrays and blood tests (while there she had one of the best
stools in months, looked almost normal).  Xrays were good, haven't heard
anything on the blood tests yet..  even though I keep calling.
Right now Laverne is on pred twice a day and is not responding to it.  She
has the worst diarrhea (green-slimy-blackish-foul smelling-almost pussy
looking).  She is losing weight and very lethargic.  I am at my wit's end.
I don't know what else I can do for her.  I will be calling first thing
tomorrow to Dr H about it all... but what I would like to know is if anyone
has gone through something like this?  or knows what is going on and how to
help poor Laverne?  It is breaking my heart to see her like this.  Shirley,
her litter mate, has not had any problems at all (Thank God).  I'd
appreciate any input or advice on what to do with her.  I do not want to
lose her and the way she is going, I'm afraid that I might.
Thank you,
[Posted in FML issue 3038]