Hi all
Things here are kinda status quo.  Meeting and such.  Now I know what a
hooman goes through when he goes to work.
A little guy came in today> He said hiz name waz Big Bear.  I gave him da
tour.  He waz really interested in da Babyfood Balconey and da Chicken
Gourmet.  He seemed real hungry.  I never seen one ferret eat so much.  He
said he waz building himself up for da Wrestling Matches.  He went over
there and waz watching them.  I guess he waz studying da competition.  He
said to tell hiz mommy and daddy dat he feels real good, better than he
has in years.  He said to send them hiz luv and lots of hugs.
Another little guy came in later.  He said hiz name waz Pepper.  He got da
tour of da place.  He went over to da Fruit Bar and had a snack.  Then he
said he waz going to da Ferretvite Festival and dance and lap up some
ferretvite.  I went over there later and he waz dancing with everyone there
and sometimes just by himself for da fun of it.  He seemed to be having a
lot of fun there though.  He said to tell hiz mommy not to worry about him
cause everything here is great.  He said to tell her dat he luved her and
sends lots of kisses.
I am off to get me a snack at da Fruit Bar myself and them hit da sack at
Hammock Haven for a little nap.  Gotto go.
By BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3041]