If you've been subscribed to the FML for a long time you probably have
fond memories of receiving an FML advertising issue every few months.
Unfortunately, I kinda got overwhelmed the last time I asked for ads
for another ad issue: I ended up with over 14 *thousand* lines of ads
to edit!  I eventually gave up and there hasn't been an FML ad issue
for well over a year.
OK, it's time to try this again.  I'll modify my editing procedures a
bit and I'm confident I can get an ad issue out soon.  So, here's the
"official" announcement:
Now and then I send a special all-advertising issue to FML subscribers.
This special ad issue features a wide variety of great ferret-related
products available from FML subscribers.  Subscribers and friends of the
FML with a ferret-related product(s) to sell may advertise at NO charge.
This is done strictly as a service and there is no financial incentive
involved.  (Well, advertisers have a financial incentive -- I just mean
*I* don't get anything out of it!)  For the ad issue, even commerical
entities may advertise -- the usual FML restrictions don't apply here.
Please send your ads to [log in to unmask] if you would like to
participate.  Please keep the size reasonable (50 lines or so is reasonable)
and please send plain text only (i.e. no attachments with pictures and such).
If you'd like to get an idea of what to write, please note the last ad
issue, number 12, was sent out in November of 1998 and can be retrieved
from the server by e-mailing SEND FERRETAD 12 in the body of the mail to
[log in to unmask]).
FML Moderator
[Posted in FML issue 3041]