Hey Everyone!
I haven't posted in a while, because the computer has been broken.
Honestly it seems like one problem after another!  Well I have some ideas
for Emily and anyone else who might want to use them.  For the restriction
of the little ones into the kitchen, try a baby gate with plexiglass on the
front like hot glue.  Make the plexiglass sheet a bit shorter than the
doorway opening.  That way, when you glue it to the one side of the gate,
you can make the gate loosen and still get it out of the doorframe.  Do you
get what I'm thinking?  I've never actually done this, but it popped into
my head after reading the post.  It is an easy way to restrain the ferrets
and prevent them from climbing.  Just put the plexiglass side on the side
that the ferrets will be on.  If you try it and it works, let me know!
About the orange fur... does your ferret drool alot or lick its face?  My
dog has orange marks around his mouth and wherever he licks himself, and
the vet said that it was from his slobber and drool.  I don't know if
that is right for your ferret, but I'm just trying to give imput.
You know that you are ferret crazy when you spend your beautiful Memorial
day doing ferret laundry!  Yup- took apart the 6 foot cage and rinsed it.
Washed the towels, hammocks, and tent.  Litter pan duty.  Full pedicures
and baths!  I must be out of my mind!  *Just thought I'd share....*
Erin and the Wired Weasels
Rocki, Snickers, Vir, Zeus, and Saucey
[Posted in FML issue 3068]