Warp ( 6 years) is again not doing well.  Losing weight at a rapid pace,
having her fur grow brittle (except for the replacement fur coming in
since her adrenal removal), etc.  From her behavior toward food we are once
again worried that her friable small intestine is kicking up badly again.
Looking at options.  She's down to 1# 3 and 3/4 ounces, but she could
easily carry almost 2 pounds and is usually in the 1# 11 oz.  range.  She
is still very active which is true for her even when she has tears in the
intestine, but behaves as if eating hurts which is what happens when her
intestine does this, and has to have only very, very small meals now --
smaller than before -- or she vomits.  It's apparently an autoimmune
problem.  Have to try various options and see which work beyond what has
been tried so far.  Last ditch effort is a med which can have very bad side
effects but we aren't up to trying that one, yet.
[Posted in FML issue 3067]