It wasn't ferret math, but canine math that struck us.  This weekend we
adopted an aged husky from a local shelter.  (She was on the 'kill' list--
I just couldn't stand it.)  So we now have a dozen ferrets and three dogs.
What were we thinking!?
Actually, you haardly would notice that this old lady was there.  She is
quite well behaved, and very quiet.  No interest in the ferrets, and too
arthritic to chase them, even if she were.  (Funny how both our old ladies
have fluffy white hair and pink skin.  Evie is a dinky, cranky, albino who
prefers to be left in peace under her blankets.  Bonnie is a large, plump,
creaky dog who prefers to be left in peace on her blankets.)
The problem is that our young dog (8 months) fought Bonnie over a treat and
drew blood.  Now Bonnie is terrified of the younger dog, so much so that
she wet the floor when the younger dog seemed to be running up to her.
(The younger one was really just running into the house to get her daily
lick of the chicken gravy bowl.)
Anyone out there with dog know-how----what can I do to integrate Bonnie
into our pack?  We want to give her a comfortable home for her old age.
We surely don't want to make her live in fear.
[Moderator's note: I'm assuming integrating Bonnie includes integrating her
into the ferret "pack" too, thus making this post ferret-related.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 3040]