Hi all
Things have been kinda slow lately which is a good thing.  Da ferrets are
staying with their hoomans for a while to harrass I mean play with them
some more.
A little guy came in today.  He said hiz name waz Dean.  I looked up Merret
to be here when he came in.  I introduced them and Merret was glad to see
him really.  He said he thought dat hiz humans had given up on ferrets.  He
waz really interested in what had gone on in all da time he had been away.
They wondered over to da Fruit Bar to have a snack while they talked.  They
talked at great length over all da gossip.  Then they wondered off in da
direction of da Ferretone Flood to lap up some ferretone for a while.  He
said to tell hiz mommy and daddy dat he is sorry he left without saying
goodbye.  He said he luved them and sends lots of hugs.
A little girl came in.  She said her name waz Guida.  I gave her da tour
of da place.  She waz interested in many things here but she had a snack at
da Fuit Bar for a little while and then wanted to see if she could get in
on da Flying Lessons.  I set her up with an instructor and she waz soon
soaring away for all she waz worth.  She definately need a lot of work on
those landings though.  She waz sorry to hear her mommy would not get any
more ferret companions though.  She said to tell her mommy dat she really
luved her and to send lots of kisses and cuddles.
I waz wondering what had happened here lately and now it all makes sense to
me.  I looked up Thunder and Lighnting and they were over by da Sock Steal
Game stealing socks.  I gave them them da message from their mommy.  They
didn't seem to want to listen to da warning about not causeing chaos here
though.  We had a long discussion about them causing chaos to Sandee and I
think we came to an understanding on dat, I hope.  They said to send their
luv to their mommy and also lots of hugs and kisses.
Well I am off to relax again for da day, maybe even get in a nap.
Gotto go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 3066]