What is it with ferrets sniffing odd things?  When you get home after a
long day, most people want to kick off their shoes and relax.  Well, after
that the first place my ferrets go is to the shoes.  They will spend hours
down inside all of our shoes.
They sniff them and tunnel down into the bottom.  When they finish taking
turns with one pair, they go to the next pair.  There are about 5 pairs of
shoes lying around.  Why would they want to stick, not just their heads,
but their entire bodies, into the foulest, stinkiest holes in the entire
I used to think my first ferret was weird because he would sniff, lick and
nip and feet and toes.  Are ferret born with a foot fetish?  Some things
are not meant to be explained, just accepted.  I'll never understand this.
Shannon (owned by the 3 carpet sharks...Sebastian, Felicia, & Snooz)
in Louisiana.
[Posted in FML issue 3064]