>I do not believe the Hertzogs are being singled out.
Actually I disagree with the AFA statement.  I read the orginal message and
it was only addressed to Shirley Hertzog.  As a matter of fact it started
with Hi Shirley.  It was not forwarded to anyone except AFA Board Members.
The orginal mailing list was deleted from the message on the FML as it
should have been because it was not needed here.  It appeared to me that is
was only directed at the Hertzogs.  It was also received two days before
the show date even though the AFA knew that their vendor table would not be
part of their show but outside their area.  I also believe that the AFA did
not expect or intend that this policy of theirs become public but it was
directed at Shirley with the only purpose to try and exclude her from the
Another question that everyone is forgetting here is has a ferret actually
ever died from ADV in this area.  Before you bring up the Hertzogs once
again that ferret was euthanized because it was sick and one of the many
tests performed on it was for ADV and it turned out positive (questionable
accuracy) so it did not die from the ADV.  Anyone else have one die from it
or just test positve under a test that is highly doubtful as far as results
are concerned.  Has anyone actually had a ferret sick from ADV that you
could point to and say yes that is definately ADV or is it just a tag a
vet may throw on it when it doesn't fit anything else that the ferret may
have and the vet doesn't know what is wrong with it.  I am not trying to
belittle the threat of a very serious disease, but just how much of a
threat is it really.  If all ferrets that test positve die from it I am
sure someone would have made that public by now or do the ferrets just
test positive live to be old ferrets and die from age or another disease
carrying it to the grave with them.
I also feel that even though something has to be done I don't think this is
the correct aproach.  It leaves to many variables.  What if the ferret is
tested 7 weeks prior to the show and contracts ADV after it is tested but
before the show.  It is still infected and at the show with a negatve test
result.  What if an owner wants to show a ferret and submits a blood vial
from a known negative ferret with the questionable ferrets name on it just
to show the ferret or just alters the test results when received.  I am not
pointing any fingers just bringing up variables.  People will do strange
things to show an animal that may just be a champion.  As it is right now I
think there may be people showing ferrets that if tested may come up
positive but have not been tested.  (my opinion only not a fact) Until a
test is developed that is considered 100% accurate and can be certified by
someone as being the actual ferret tested the test papers brought to a show
aren't worth the paper they are written on.
I think that this whole debate has been progated by one or more individuals
with the soul purpose of the continued percecution of another indidual and
backfired and became public.
These comments are again all my opinion and you are free to disagree.
[Posted in FML issue 3063]