Thanks to everyone who wrote about Jack, I can't express how much the
support from each of you has meant.
At this moment, Jack is back in the group cage.  It was clear how lonely
and miserable he was without his buddies.  He was out for the first time
the other night since surgery and boy was he a new ferret!!  Running all
over, jumping and dooking, so back to the group where he belongs.  That
leaves poor Mira all alone again.  Searching now for an older laid back
fuzz to keep her company, but the search is on.....
Jack goes back tomorrow for removal of stitches and first glucose checkup,
wish us luck!!  We have no way of knowing how long before we see symptoms
of the cancer, but for now we are just gonna be happy, let him play and be
with his guys and take one day at a time....
Hugs to all,
Jen and Gang
[Posted in FML issue 3063]