>From:    Isabelle Rieder <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: bumps on ferret?
>Three days ago I noticed that my male cinnamon sable, Simba, who is 3
>years old had 2 bumps on his body... be...The first bump I found was at
>the base of his tail on the bottom... it feels like a hard ball... The
>second bump I found was on the top of his head - at first I thought it
>was just a tiny pimple because it was reddish and looked like one (which
>I guess it still could be) But, today when I examined it it looks like
>there's a blue dot in it - so now I'm really confused....
The bumps could be a cyst or a mast cell tumor.  Would suggest you have
your vet examine the ferret.
Debbie/aka PCNUT
[Posted in FML issue 3063]